Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Blog Reflection

These blogs have been great for me because I have gotten to the point where I can sit down for 10 minutes and am able to put out a good amount of work. The free writing exercise has really helped me learn how to put my thoughts onto the page in a way that the reader can understand. The other exercises have helped as well such as learning to find my own voice. These blogs helped me with my writing a lot because I had to write them daily. Even though I missed a day here and there I think that overall my blogs got fluid. My blog posts started off shaky, I could not find anything to write about, but then about half-way through this course I started writing about anything that I could. It would usually be about the day that I wrote the blog post. I wish that I had remembered to do them daily because that is the way that it would have helped the most, instead of missing every few days, if I wrote everyday then my writing would probably be better than it is now. This is my reflection on these blog posts and how they have improved my writing through continuously writing.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Brainstorming- Places in my life
Taco Bell, Table Rock Lake, Arkansas, Oak Grove, Ci Ci's Pizza, Rolla MO, Springfield MO, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Central High School, Alaska, and Sigma Chi.

I can smell Jackie cooking breakfast in the morning. The eggs and bacon sizzling on the grill top, and the golden brown hash-browns are making this wonderful smell. There then comes a fresh scent of cut grass, because our window is usually open. These are the smells that I usually smell when I first wake up in the morning in my bed in the Sigma Chi house.
In the morning there are always a lot of different random noises that wake me up. A car will drive past our window at three o'clock in the morning and wake me up, or my roommate Grant will be snoring extremely loudly. Or someone will be taking a shower at six in the morning before their run, and that will wake me up and I will not be able to sleep.
I see all my friends, everyone will be around the house in the morning but as classes begin to start, nobody is to be found. There will always be our flag pole outside flying the US flag and the Sigma Chi flag. I see the pledges putting them up at 8 in the morning. I go downstairs and outside on the fratio, and I see our letters and the wreckage that previous night.
I feel the soft comforter on top of me. I lift my arm up and I hit the ceiling, and then I start to slowly wake up. I pick up my cellphone and check the time, its only seven, "Well, I have three more hours of sleep until I have to get up," thinking to myself. I then slowly drift back to sleep and back to my wonderful dreams.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Wednesday. The middle of the week. The day that everyone loves because Monday and Tuesday are finished. Yet the weekend is still to come. It is definitely the turning point of my week. I am always way more optimistic after Wednesday. This Wednesday is great because I finished my third calculus test and only have one more and the final is on next Wednesday. Then I will be one step closer to being done with math forever. I am really looking forward to this weekend because I get to go to my cousin's wedding and she is one of the coolest people that I know. I can't wait for the weekend, but it feels like this week is flying by. I have no idea where the days have gone and I have no idea what I'm going to do each day but I can only look forward.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


This class has taught me many things that I would have never learned if I tried to teach myself. I like how the teacher incorporated group work, and discussions along with writing some big papers because that will help us when thinking of audience. What do you want your audience to know at a specific time? I have learned how to write better and more fluently. This class has been the first English class that I have taken in college. Even though I am starting my second year at missour S&T I feel like I will be ready to write papers in the near future if I need to.
This class has taught me that to be a good writer you need to find your own voice, and through this class I accomplished this. I feel that my voice as a writer is still becoming more defined. I need to take my voice an polish it to the point that people will be extremely interested in my work. This class has been a lot of writing but it was worth it.

Monday, July 14, 2014


I have a huge problem with commitment. I cannot stay committed to anything. As hard as I might try there is always something that blocks me from committing to doing pretty much everything. Usually that something is myself or my horrible time management skills. Unless the thing that I want to commit to can be completed in a few days, there is a good chance that it will not get done. There are just way too many things that I try and get done each day. Some of these things include working out, studying for calculus 3, hanging out with my friends and now reading. All of these things take up so much of my time, and along with my commitments to my family some of these things will usually not get done throughout the day.
I am taking many different steps to try and combat this "laziness" of mine. One of these steps is setting a daily alarm. I need to start bringing myself to getting up earlier and actually starting the day off strong. Another step would be to try and limit the amount of things that I want to spend on these each day. Or by splitting them up and doing a few things in Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and everything else on the other days and the weekend. These are a few steps that I am going to start incorporating in my own life to try and make it more productive.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


There's nothing better than spending a weekend away from my life. I spent it in Rolla, MO where I go to school during the fall and spring semesters. I had a great time going floating down a river, all the while getting to fish and then camping. This float trip was better than the first one that I went on because I knew the people who came with me this time. There is probably no better way to spend a weekend then floating/ camping. Just getting away from everything, all my problems and my school work. I needed this because I am spending way too much time doing homework and I had to take a break from it all.  I let myself get overwhelmed with everything at times and sometimes I just need to take a step back, take a deep breath and look at my life in a way that makes it easier to organize. I love that I can do this because I will look at my life, determine what I need to do first and then take it step by step. Sometimes though I just need to stop thinking so much about mu life and just ride it out. I have plenty of ways to work with stress and they all help me to the point where I am continuously without it. It is very nice and it helps me get through life easier.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Fight Club - Maybe the greatest movie ever made? It was just a total mindfuck! I loved every second of it and when it got to the end it blew my mind. Spoiler alert. Tyler durden is the main character. I don't know how the writer created this masterpiece but it was amazing. It is probably one of my top 5 along with shutter island, shawshank redemption, Enders game, and Forrest Gump.